The Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce will continue to advocate for policies and legislation that create and sustain a vibrant economy. We will:
- Support legislation to lower the costs associated with doing business, including reducing the tax burden on businesses, particularly small and startup businesses.
- Support legislation creating strategic tax credit programs for high-tech, cutting edge, high-wage, and other industries which the State and County are looking to attract.
- Support legislation that will provide financial resources and other general assistance for small businesses to comply with the burden of new regulations.
- Support initiatives geared towards attracting the next generation workforce to Montgomery County.
- Support legislation that strengthens investment in educational institutions to grow a local talent pool that will position our region to achieve further economic growth.
- Support legislation and initiatives that remove barriers to workforce and business growth.
- Oppose legislation that will constrict private sector growth and development.
- Support increased capacity on I270 and along I270 corridor, acknowledging that transit alternatives will not solve congestion in a timely period.
- Support efforts to connect traffic corridors throughout the upper I270 corridor, including support for the M83 Midcounty Highway extension
- Support short- and long-term initiatives to connect I270 corridor with Dulles tech corridor.
- Support the Corridor Forward: I-270 Transit Master Plan south to the American Legion Bridge.
- Support transit options as follows:
- Support and expand MARC Commuter Service, as well as adequate parking facilities for MARC.
- Support sustainable WMATA funding.
- Support County-wide Rapid-Transit system with adequate infrastructure to easily and equitably access the system in the Upcounty, assuming that funding is not diverted from existing transportation priorities, including increasing capacity on I270.
- Support efforts to encourage inter-jurisdictional cooperation to solve transit needs.
- Monitor Observation Drive extended project through Gateway sector plan process.
- Monitor proposed Corridor Forward projects, in wake of demise of Corridor Cities Transitway (CCT) project, and in context of broader County transportation plans.
Housing & Infrastructure
- Support initiatives aimed at significantly accelerating adoption of internet broadband access by customers, businesses, schools, and government enterprises.
- Support policies to provide housing density around retail and transit centers.
- Support housing policies that will result in attraction and retention of a diverse workforce.
- Support viability of office space initiatives.
Land Use
- Support implementation of the Germantown Master Plan, the Great Seneca Science Corridor Master Plan and the Shady Grove Sector Master Plan, and engage with the master plan process when it impacts the Upcounty.
- Support City of Gaithersburg Lakeforest redevelopment.
- Support initiatives to ensure a thriving Town Center in Germantown.
- Support initiatives that accelerate development of a thriving bio-tech corridor.
- Support updated County Growth and Infrastructure Policy (GIP) that encourages economic development.
- Support workforce development efforts to maintain and enhance the pool of highly trained, skilled workers by supporting education programs and facilities in the County.
- Support funding for Montgomery College and The Universities at Shady Grove.
Public Safety
- Support cost-effective policies and initiatives that will increase the number of officers in communities.
- Support adequate funding for recruitment to eliminate vacancies on the police force.
- Support legislative changes that will increase the public safety in our communities.
- Support programming that helps public safety personnel with accountability and enforcement of laws that keep our communities safe, including reform of the juvenile justice regulations.
Health Care
- Support initiatives that expand access to insurance and care in Maryland.
- Support initiatives that will reduce overall health care spending.
- Support policies that will stabilize health insurance increases to employers.
The Chamber looks forward to being a part of a partnership between the private and public sector in implementing these suggested changes and finding common ground to create a vibrant and sustainable economy in Montgomery County and Maryland.